E-POST: RESPONSIBLE STREETSMARTS - Remember that there is safety in numbers (don't go it alone). - Ask yourself: What's the worst that can happen? Plan for it. - Know that bullies lack self-confidence and are only able to prop themselves up by knocking others down.
E-POST: DISCIPLINED WAYS TO STAY COOL - Because frown lines turn into future wrinkles, make a point of being mostly happy rather than mostly mad. - Refrain from yelling at others--it's so condescending and disrespectful. - Picture your grandpa wearing a Speedo. That'll lighten the mood...anytime...anywhere.
E-POST: POSITIVE CONFIDENCE BOOSTERS - Stand tall. Don't slouch. - Become knowledgeable about as much stuff as possible. Trivia-buffs are cool! - Strut like you know where you're going (even if you don't).
E-POST: OBJECTIVE IDEAS FOR SHOWING LEADERSHIP - Listen carefully to what others have to say. - Emphasize that "the cup is always half FULL." - Never cut someone off in mid sentence.