E-POST: KIND WAYS TO CHEER UP A FRIEND - Writing her/him a humorous 5-line limerick: "There was a sad girl named Sue...Whose face turned a strange shade of blue..." - Drawing a portrait of him/her (the goofier the better). - Performing a home style manicure or pedicure.
E-POST: CALMING COMFORT ZONES - Sitting outside under an umbrella while it's raining. - Lingering near a set of wind chimes. - Staring into a tropical aquarium, watching colourful fish casually swim about.
E-POST: DELICATE SCENTS & AROMAS - The flower Caprice Iris (smells like a grape popsicle). - Mint, but it must be freshly ground. - Lavender poured into your bath water.
E-POST: TRUSTWORTHY WELLNESS TIPS - Doing everything in moderation. - Reading something--anything!--every single day. - Wrapping yourself in warm, clean towels fresh out of the dryer (just once in a blue moon, for no reason).